Friday, August 5, 2011

World Markets, Commodities ,SGX Nifty

Just took a look before logging off and saw this --

World Markets :

Metals :

SGX Nifty :

Was preparing for 5250 as worst case scenario tmrw as mentioned in post below , but this seems something bigger . Part book at 5250 and then plan to reenter / ride the flow.

(If it turns out to be a Trending down day then 5200 is likely target , close of a down 3% as avg. US and European markets we will be at sub 5200 level ) . 

Check the Post below for Trading Insight - 05/08/11.

Good Night !!!


AAR VEE said...

KRG said...
looking bad below 5400 !

August 3, 2011 11:36 AM

AAR VEE said...

'BLOODBATH' to come ???

August 3, 2011 7:58 PM

KRG said...

AarVee : Check my comment I left on the same post!
