Sunday, April 8, 2012

When Nifty rises by more than 10% in a Quarter -


With Nifty index gaining 14.52% in Jan-mar 2012 quarter , look at how how Nifty index fares in the next quarter, below are the 10% rises that we had in a quarter since 2000 on the Nifty index , along with the details of how the S&P CNX Nifty index performed next quarter. As shown, Nifty gained 11/17 times with an average gain ( including the loosing months) of 6.53% next month , and a median gain of 6.66%.  The maximum loss was -22.87% (  in Mar 2008 )

Courtsey : Stocksiq


Rajib said...

not very sure what happened on last few lines ... sep'09, next sep'10 & then mar'12! what about qtrs in between?

AAR VEE said...

@ Rajib ,

The qtrs in between may not have given 10% upside for which this data has been compiled.
